The SING Aotearoa programme is modelled on an existing SING programme running in the USA, Canada and Australia.
SING Aotearoa has established a strong partnership with SING-USA and provides opportunities for alumni of the SING Aotearoa programme to attend the SING-USA events.
Interns will be able to become part of the SING Alumni Network and receive updates on scholarships and job opportunities from Genomics Aotearoa, National Science Challenges, and other institutions.
There are also opportunities for Iwi/Māori to take more of a leadership role within an emerging model of collaborative research investment and use these technologies to advance our own development aspirations.
Through SING Aotearoa and Genomics Aotearoa we hope to create opportunities for participation in research activities.
The International Consortia of SING networks has expanded to SING Canada and SING Australia. Visit their websites below.