Shirley Simmonds
Raukawa, Ngāti Huri, Ngā Puhi
Shirley is a Māori health researcher, an adult educator and a mother of two young sons, Tamihana and Raukawa. Her areas of work in Kaupapa Māori research have included the BreastScreen Aotearoa Māori monitoring, the Māori rural health reports, and the recent DHB Māori Health Profile. She has also worked in the areas of Māori health workforce development, Māori health ethics, and has contributed to the development of Kaupapa Māori Epidemiology. Shirley has a teaching role at the Wellington School of Medicine in both postgraduate and undergraduate courses in Hauora Māori. She is interested in making Māori health data accessible and useful so that it can help achieve our aspirations of a healthy Māori population, in promoting te reo Māori in health interactions, and in contributing to a health system and research environment that meets the needs of whānau Māori.