Kaupapa | About
The SING Aotearoa programme is designed to develop indigenous understanding of genomics alongside some of the best researchers in New Zealand and the world. The keystone event is a week-long internship wānanga programme providing participants with knowledge and experience in wet-labs (biological samples, DNA), dry labs (computer analysis, biostatistics) and simulation labs (cultural and ethical scenarios).
Significant advances in the fields of genetics and genomics sees an increasing focus on Māori populations and indigenous species. Research conducted in Aotearoa New Zealand should involve consultation with Iwi Māori and it is important Māori understand the technical, ethical and cultural issues when engaging with researchers in these projects.
“Me ātahaereere mā ngā ngaru
kei whakatotohu te aroha a Tangaroa
Tread carefully in challenging waters
Lest you drown in the embrace of Tangaroa”
Whakapā mai | Get in contact
Find out more about the programme and how to participate or be involved.
Te Mata Punenga o Te Kotahi | Te Kotahi Research Institute
Te Whare Wānanga o Waikato |The University of Waikato
EMAIL : Singaotearoa@gmail.com